Digital Trunked Radio System Coverage Gaps
Office of information technology - telecommunications coordination within state government - digital trunked radio system supporting infrastructure, software, and hardware - radio tower sites - appropriation. The office of information technology (office) is authorized to use any unencumbered and unexpended money appropriated to the public safety communications trust fund (trust fund) for purposes of the digital trunked radio system (DTRS) on DTRS sites supporting infrastructure and DTRS supporting software and hardware.
In addition, in both the 2018-19 and 2019-20 fiscal years, the general assembly is required to appropriate $2 million from the general fund to the trust fund. The office is required to use the money to work in partnership with local and regional government entities to add additional radio tower sites in areas of the state that are experiencing critical coverage gaps for public safety radio communications. The office is required to submit a report to the joint budget committee detailing the use of the additional $2 million.
For the 2018-19 fiscal year, $2 million from the general fund is appropriated to the trust fund to be used by the office to add tower sites in areas of the state that are experiencing critical coverage gaps for public safety radio communications.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)