Summary of General Assembly Legislation (2014)
This document provides a summary of legislation pertaining to the operations of the General Assembly considered by the legislature during the 2014 session.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
CogaBart Dev siteThis document provides a summary of legislation pertaining to the operations of the General Assembly considered by the legislature during the 2014 session.
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the School Safety Committee. This committee was created by a resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council during the 2019 legislative interim. The purpose of this committee was to study how violence at, and threats of...
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Commission. The purpose of this commission is to study issues related to early childhood and school readiness in order to improve the state’s early childhood policies.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Energy Legislation Review Interim Study Committee.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Pension Review Commission.
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Statewide Health Care Review Committee. The purpose of this committee is to study health care issues that affect Colorado residents throughout the state.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Investor-owned Utility Review Interim Study Committee.
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Wildfire Matters Review Committee. The purpose of this committee is to oversee and review the prevention, mitigation, and financing of wildfire matters in Colorado.
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by Colorado Health Insurance Exchange Oversight Committee. The purpose of this committee is to guide Colorado's health insurance exchange, including reviewing the financial and operational plans of the exchange and approving the appointment of the...
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee. The purpose of this committee is to study issues relating to opioid and substance use disorders in Colorado and examine potential solutions concerning prevention, intervention,...
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Water Resources Review Committee. The purpose of this committee is to oversee the conservation, use, development, and financing of Colorado's water resources.