Family, Medical, and Sick Leave Laws (20-10)
This issue brief provides an overview of federal and state family, medical, and sick leave laws.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
CogaBart Dev siteThis issue brief provides an overview of federal and state family, medical, and sick leave laws.
Unemployment insurance (UI) provides temporary, partial wage replacement to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. The state program is administered by the Division of Employment and Training within the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE). This issue brief...
Respite care provides temporary relief to a caregiver from the physical and emotional impacts of caring for a person with special needs who is unable or needs assistance to care for himself or herself. It can be provided for a few hours, overnight, or on an extended basis by a friend, family...
Federal and state laws allow Medicaid applicants and clients who have their benefits denied, terminated, or reduced to appeal the decision. This issue brief provides an overview of the Medicaid appeals process in Colorado.
Tiny houses are increasing in popularity as a housing option across the country. This issue brief provides a general overview of the various legal obstacles sometimes faced by individuals who want to own and live in a tiny house in Colorado. It also provides several examples of local and state...
The Public Benefits and Services Resource Manual is intended to serve as a reference guide for information on some of the state’s programs that provide direct benefits or services to members of the public. The manual is divided into four sections to make it easier for the reader to access...
This issue brief provides information about Community-Centered Boards (CCBs) and recent legislation enacted to promote CCB transparency.
This handbook is intended to serve as a resource guide on the role and responsibilities of local governments, including counties, municipalities, special districts, and school districts. It is divided into nine sections. Section 1 provides an overview of the Colorado Department of Local Affairs...
Presented to the Joint Health Committee.
Pursuant to the Health Care Affordability Act of 2009, Colorado collects a provider fee from most hospitals. The hospital provider fee (HPF) is matched with federal Medicaid dollars and used to reimburse hospitals for uncompensated care costs, pay for expansion populations under Medicaid and the...
Colorado currently administers 11 Home- and Community-Based Services Medicaid (HCBS) Waivers. This issue brief discusses the five waivers available to children. An issue brief entitled Medicaid Waiver Programs Part II – Home- and Community-Based Services Medicaid Waivers for Adults discusses the...