Consumer Price Index - June 2016 Forecast
CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - June 2016 Forecast
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
CogaBart Dev siteCONSUMER PRICE INDEX - June 2016 Forecast
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Colorado receives annual payments from tobacco manufacturers as part of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. In April 2016, the state received $92.3 million. This memorandum presents the distribution of the 2016 payment and forecasts payments through 2019.
Presented to the Joint Finance Committee at its January 5, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Joint Finance Committee on January 5, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Joint Finance Committee at its January 5, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Select Committee on Energy and the Environment at its January 19, 2017, meeting.
This memorandum provides information on state government enterprises under Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution, also known as the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR). From FY 1993-94 through FY 2014-15, 20 state government entities have received enterprise status for at least one...
CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - December 2016 Forecast