Class 2 Misdemeanors
Crime Classification Guide for Class 2 Misdemeanors
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
CogaBart Dev siteCrime Classification Guide for Class 2 Misdemeanors
This memorandum provides information on Colorado law related to nonfatal strangulation and information on the laws in states in which nonfatal strangulation is a felony. While Colorado statutes do not specifically address strangulation, other criminal statutes may apply. This memorandum also...
This issue brief discusses the various offenses related to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Colorado, and their associated criminal and administrative penalties.
State legislatures have emphasized the importance of collecting deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to solve crimes. This issue brief describes legislative efforts, both in Colorado and across the country, to mandate that individuals convicted of or arrested for a crime submit a DNA sample for entry...
This guide is a compilation of crimes and traffic infractions in Colorado. For each offense, a brief description of the elements of the crime and the statutory citation are provided. The compilation of crimes is organized in two parts as follows: Crimes Listed by Level of Offense and Crimes...
Crime Classification Guide for Unclassified Felonies
Crime Classification Guide for Unclassified Offenses
Crime Classification Guide for Class 1 Misdemeanors
Crime Classification Guide for Class 3 Misdemeanors
This section contains a current listing of misdemeanor offenses. Misdemeanor offenses are categorized as follows: class 1, class 2, class 3, and unclassified misdemeanors. The penalty for the commission of a misdemeanor offense depends on its classification. The penalty scheme for misdemeanors...
Crime Classification Guide for Class 1 Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses