2017 Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Reform Commission Final Report
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Reform Commission.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
CogaBart Dev siteFinal Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Reform Commission.
Urban renewal provides a set of tools available to local governments to combat slum and blight conditions. This issue brief highlights urban renewal laws and financing in Colorado.
Colorado’s Enterprise Zone Program was created by the General Assembly in 1986. The program provides state income tax credits to business and individuals for investing in economically distressed areas of the state in an effort to encourage economic development. This issue brief describes the...
Tiny houses are increasing in popularity as a housing option across the country. This issue brief provides a general overview of the various legal obstacles sometimes faced by individuals who want to own and live in a tiny house in Colorado. It also provides several examples of local and state...
This handbook is intended to serve as a resource guide on the role and responsibilities of local governments, including counties, municipalities, special districts, and school districts. It is divided into nine sections. Section 1 provides an overview of the Colorado Department of Local Affairs...
This memorandum provides information on Colorado's construction defect laws and the various issues surrounding construction defects in Colorado. It summarizes the current construction defect laws in the state, provides a summary of a recent Denver Regional Council of Governments study of the...
This issue brief examines Colorado's fireworks law, including the ability of cities and counties to regulate fireworks.
This issue brief provides information on the relative size of state and local governments, compared with the total state economy. Government expenditures are represented as a percentage of the state's gross domestic product (GDP). In Colorado, stategovernmentexpendituresarebelowthenational...
This document provides a summary of major local government legislation considered by the General Assembly during the 2014 legislative session.
This memorandum provides information on intergovernmental transfers of revenue from the state government to Colorado's 64 counties. Data from 2010 show that of $5.0 billion in total county revenue, about $1.3 billion or 25.8 percent came from intergovernmental transfers. The state portion made...