Change Maximum Criminal Penalty One Year To 364 Days
The bill creates the legislative interim committee on misdemeanor sentencing, to meet during the 2018 interim. The committee consists of 6 members--3 senators and 3 representatives. The senate president appoints 2 senators and designates the chair of the committee, and the senate minority leader appoints one senator. The speaker of the house of representatives appoints 2 representatives and designates the vice-chair of the committee, and the house minority leader appoints one representative. The interim committee may meet up to 5 times during the interim and may propose up to 5 exempt committee bills.
The interim committee shall, at a minimum, study the following issues:
- The collateral consequences of a crime with a sentencing range of one year or greater;
- The fiscal impact of misdemeanor sentences on state and local authorities; and
- The appropriate penalty level for offenses that are deemed misdemeanors.
(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)