Summary of Energy Legislation (2018)
During the 2018 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures concerning the Colorado Energy Office, oil and natural gas regulations, and energy storage systems.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
CogaBart Dev siteDuring the 2018 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures concerning the Colorado Energy Office, oil and natural gas regulations, and energy storage systems.
This memorandum provides an overview of how energy consumption and usage has changed as a result of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), and how Colorado utilities are responding.
This memorandum provides an overview of the history of the Clean Air Act, describes common air pollutants and their health impacts, describes Colorado’s air quality concerns and state programs, and lists recently proposed legislation, which aims to improve air quality.
This issue brief provides an overview of critical infrastructure, discusses a 2019 cyberattack on the U.S. electrical grid, and summarizes state and federal legislation addressing security for critical infrastructure.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Energy Legislation Review Interim Study Committee.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Investor-owned Utility Review Interim Study Committee.
Procedures for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reports Form
This memorandum memorializes the process for requesting and preparing greenhouse gas emissions reports (reports) pursuant to Section 2-2-322.3, C.R.S. It outlines the number of reports per session, the process for requesting reports, the preparation and timing of reports, and the preparation of...
Summary report for the Energy Legislation Review Interim Study Committee.
Summary report for the Investor-owned Utility Review Interim Study Committee.
Greenhouse gas emissions have been identified by the global scientific community as the major driver of climate change. Globally, countries are committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to combat the effects of climate change. This memorandum provides background on the policies and...