j_cdc_2017a_2017-06-07t09:03:16z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 06/07/2017
Location: SCR 357
Two-Year Cash List, Arapahoe Community College
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09:03 AM -- Two-Year Cash List, Arapahoe Community College
The committee was called to order. A quorum was present Dr. Diana Doyle, President, Arapahoe Community College, and Mark Superka, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Colorado Community College System, presented a new project on the college's two-year projection of cash need: Castle Rock Collaboration Campus. The project was first presented to the committee on April 13, 2017. Committee members received a summary of the project, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment A). Dr. Doyle and Mr. Superka responded to committee questions.
170607 AttachA.pdf