j_jtc_2017a_2017-01-20t13:42:06z2 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/20/2017
Location: SCR 352
FY 2017-18 Budget Requests, Colorado Community College System
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01:54 PM -- FY 2017-18 Budget Requests, Colorado Community College System
Mr. Brian Harris, representing Lamar Community College, came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2017-18 budget request. In response to a committee question, Mr. Harris noted that the college does not charge a student technology fee. Mr. Chad DeBono, representing Lamar Community College, came to the table to discuss the college's enrollment and budget.
Mr. Mark Superka, representing the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), came to the table to discuss student technology fees at Colorado community colleges.
02:14 PM
Mr. Pat Mallot and Mr. Mark Allen, representing Otero Junior College, came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2017-18 budget request. Mr. Allen noted that prior committee funding replaced network systems. In response to a committee question, Mr. Allen discussed the need for telephones in each classroom.
Mr. Keith Dahl, representing CCCS, came to the table to discuss CCCS's updated telephony system and campus security policy. Mr. Allen noted that the campus telephones are the highest priority for the college.
02:34 PM
Ms. Brenda Lauer, representing Pikes Peak Community College (PPCC), came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2017-18 budget request. She highlighted the various campuses of PPCC and the specific technology needs of each campus. Mr. Cyrille Parent, representing PPCC, came to the table to answer a question about emergency notification.
02:56 PM
Mr. Jon Brude and Mr. Bryan Crawford, representing Pueblo Community College (PCC), came to the table to discuss the college's FY 2017-18 budget request. He noted that PCC students recently voted to not impose a student technology fee. Mr. Crawford prioritized the specific aspects of the college's requests, including answering a committee question about the college's use of video conferencing systems.