j_cdc_2017a_2017-04-27t08:04:22z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 04/27/2017
Location: SCR 352
Other Business
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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08:33 AM -- Other Business
Representative Mitsch Bush, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 17-1362, which requires the Transportation Legislation Review Committee and the Capital Development Committee to meet at least once during the 2017 legislative interim to discuss strategies to address critical infrastructure needs in the state and to consider funding scenarios to address these needs. Representative Mitsch Bush responded to committee questions.
08:35 AM
Henry Sobanet, Director, and Erick Scheminske, Deputy Director, Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting, came to the table to discuss a list of potential state department projects to be funded pursuant to Senate Bill 17-267 (Attachment A). Director Sobanet responded to committee questions.
170427 AttachA.pdf
08:42 AM
Representative Esgar discussed responses from Arapahoe Community College related to its Castle Rock Collaboration Campus (Attachment B). Matt Becker, Legislative Council Staff, discussed interim meeting and travel plans for the committee.
170427 AttachB.pdf
08:45 AM
The committee adjourned.