j_cdc_2017a_2017-01-31t07:29:57z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/31/2017
Location: SCR 357
Joint Budget Committee Staff Briefing
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07:57 AM -- Joint Budget Committee Staff Briefing
Alfredo Kemm, Joint Budget Committee (JBC) Staff, presented a memorandum regarding his staff briefing for capital construction (Attachment E). Mr. Kemm discussed his recommendations that the JBC pursue legislation to: (1) establish a minimum appropriation level for recapitalization; and (2) codify in statute a single appropriation line item for controlled maintenance. He also discussed a recommendation to reformat the capital construction budget to emphasize capital renewal and recapitalization. Mr. Kemm responded to committee questions regarding the State Architect's opinion on the recommendations, as well as how the recommendations could be implemented together.
170131 AttachE.pdf
08:10 AM
Mr. Kemm responded to a committee question regarding the inclusion of controlled maintenance within the definition of recapitalization. Committee discussion ensued on Mr. Kemm's recommendations.
08:23 AM
Mr. Kemm responded to a committee question regarding the role of the State Architect in recommending controlled maintenance projects.