Date Mar 14, 2018
Location SCR 354
SB18-193 - Committee Discussion Only
02:04:21 PM |
Senator Coram introduced Senate Bill 18-193,
concerning limiting state agency occupational regulations. The bill
requires state agencies to review occupational regulations.
02:06:19 PM |
Matthew Mitchell, Mercatus Center at George Mason University, spoke in favor of the bill. He provided a handout to the committee (Attachment B).
02:15:24 PM |
Paul Bacus, Professional Land Surveyors
of Colorado, spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:17:38 PM |
Marilyn Stansbury, Independent Electrical
Contractors Rocky Mountain, spoke about the bill. She responded to
questions from the committee.
02:20:01 PM |
Elva Lynch, Sturgeon Electric, spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:21:56 PM |
Jim Perizzolo, representing himself, spoke
in oppostion to the bill.
02:23:45 PM |
Craig Clark, National Electrical Contractors
Association (NECA), spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:25:48 PM |
Patrick Alley, Denver Joint Electrical
Apprenticeship Training Committee, spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:26:54 PM |
Jim Dent, Weifield Group Contracting, spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:29:36 PM |
Ralph Lufen, NECA, spoke in opposition
to the bill.
02:30:40 PM |
Ronnie Hines, Department of Regulatory Agencies, spoke in opposition to the bill. She responded to questions from the committee.
02:37:58 PM |
Spence Purnell, Reason Foundation, spoke
in favor of the bill.
02:42:16 PM |
Mike Krase, Independence Institute, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:42:50 PM |
Mr. Purnell responded to questions from
the committee.
02:49:48 PM |
Senator Coram made closing comments.
02:51:37 PM |
Senator Coram asked that the bill be laid
over for action at a later date.