Department Of Regulatory Agencies Boards Disciplinary Action Resolution Process
Section 2 of the bill defines 'health care prescriber board' to mean the following boards in the department of regulatory agencies: The Colorado podiatry board; the Colorado dental board; the Colorado medical board; the state board of nursing; the state board of optometry; and the state board of veterinary medicine.
Section 2 also:
- Requires each health care prescriber board to:
- Within 15 days after receipt of a complaint, provide the complainant with a written notice providing contact information for the board and a summary of the regulatory and statutory procedures, timelines, and complainant and respondent rights that apply to the processing and resolution of complaints, including, if the complainant is the patient of the licensee who is the subject of the complaint, a notice of the patient's right to receive from the licensee a copy of his or her patient records;
- Provide the complainant, within 30 days after the action, with written notice of the action taken by the board if an investigation was initiated by a complaint and the board took public formal action regarding the alleged misconduct;
- Notify the complainant that the complaint remains pending, subject to applicable restrictions in the board's governing law, if a complaint is still pending after 6 months; and
- Update its website at least monthly to list the status of each licensee subject to the applicable board's governing law;
- Requires the licensee to provide the board with the patient records within 30 days after the board requests the records; and
- Requires the department to include in its annual SMART act presentation a performance report prepared by the division of professions and occupations regarding changes to the boards' processes and procedures.
Section 1 requires health insurance companies to update their provider directories at least monthly, based on information on the department's health care prescriber boards' websites, to remove a provider whose license has been suspended or revoked.
(Note: This summary applies to the reengrossed version of this bill as introduced in the second house.)